Darwin Blog

I’m Back!
Wednesday, 17 October, 2007, 12:23 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hi there

I am back.  In case you have been wondering, I have been on annual leave for the past couple of months.

I thought I could be clever and blog during that time, but for some reason I found that hard to do.  The lack of motivation, the lack of access to internet cafes and being unwell, did not make it easy.

So what have I been doing?  Well, I have been home playing mum, went to the theatre, visiting friends, went to a Writers’ Festival, went and visited relatives, went travelling in south east Asia, managed to get sick and am now spending the final weeks of my annual leave catching up with things around the home, lunching with girlfriends who no longer work or happen to work in Palmerston and cooking up a storm over the weekends and entertaining some dear friends, whose company I missed a lot whilst travelling.

And the time off – has been great and a part of me wants to extend my time off, but if I do that I may never return to work and yes, I have a house that I need to contribute to the mortgage!

Going back to work also provides me with a goal for our next holiday and keeps me out of trouble.

Over the next few weeks I will post some Best Kept Secrets and talk about some of the things I managed to do whilst on leave and you know, prattle on.

For those of you that are regular visitors, thanks for being patient and I hope you enjoy the entries over the coming weeks.